It is essential to understand what is the objective that you want to achieve and that users will be directed to the web site

Nowadays the presence on the web has become essential for everyone, from small to large enterprise to the private or freelancer. According to statistics the first information, to take advantage of a service through internet is searched, and any user of the web, you will need your services, you will first of all on a search engine by typing your name.
Affindadovi to my skills in the field and the multiplicity of services offered, I can assure you a professional web presence that will complement your figure.
Internet site creation, e-commerce and search engine optimization
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I propose web sites in several ways and technologies. A meeting will be useful in order to define which instruments are best suited to the achievement of the purpose required, but also by phone and by email you can lay the groundwork for the design of a high-quality web site.
Autonomous management of a site
Among the different types of site that I propose to my clients, it is possible to have a professional product that allows a complete site management through a dedicated Control Panel or directly from the frontend.
Optimization for search engines
At the time of the project, the priority that is being given is for the accessibility and usability of the site. To date it is advisable to design web applications that follow certain "rules" in order to be more usable and accessible, the web site will be designed, on request, taking into account the main rules for google and the major search engines, the indicizzino at best.
Is offered, after meeting and budget, constant monitoring and existing site visibility through SEO techniques.
Different types of websites and services offered
Static websites
Dynamic websites
SEO and Google ranking
Professional Newsletter
CMS (Joomla, wordpress, Drupal)